Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Wearing Your New Shoes Without Pain!

Some shoes are easy to wear, without pain of sore/wound heel. Mostly because the shoes fabric is very smooth enough to fit to your feet. But some shoes could give you a headache, from the pain /wound it caused to your heel or your toes or even BOTH!

This might happen because of  the model of the shoes (like highheels), or maybe the fabric that is too stiff to be used. But hey, who could resist sexy and tempting high heels in etalase that keep dragging your eye onto it, or pretty comfy look wedges that keep rewinding in your head, rite?

To overcome these problems, the shoes need to be smoothening. Here are some tips from the experts:

1.The shoes must be wore like 3-4 times, before it become comfortable. Make sure you wear heel cover or toes cover to prevent sore/ wound heel or toes for first times used.  
-        2. Spray inner shoes with body lotion, in order to smoothening the surface of the inner fabric.
Leave it for 1 night, or even 2 days. Don’t forget to wipe clean the body lotion after that.

3. Smoothen your inner shoes by full filling it with used paper, or plastic that has been crushed before. Press those filling toward inside the shoes untill there’s no more room left inside shoes. Leave it for 1 night or 2 days. This is to stretch the fabric not tight when you are ready to wear it.
-        4. Keep your shoes outside the box for several times, let it contact with air. Sometimes air could help stretching / smoothening the fabric.

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